Grace Kelly & Camille Gottlieb At Age 20

Actress-turned-Princess Grace Kelly gave birth to Princess Stephanie of Monaco, her daughter with Prince Rainier III of Monaco. Princess Stephanie had two failed marriages. But what shocked many was when the news broke about her having a daughter named Camille Gottlieb with Palais Princier in Monaco palace guard Jean Raymond Gottlieb. However, having a princess as a mother is not insurance to have a throne. In the rules of the royals, Camille is not legitimate for a throne in Monaco because her parents are never married. Despite this, she still undoubtedly looks royal with her genes. Now in her early 20s, Camille resembles the beauty of her grandmother Grace Kelly.

After quitting acting at 26, Grace Kelly took up the post of Princess of Monaco. Her charity work focuses on young children and art, with the establishment of The Princess Grace Foundation in 1964 to support local artisans. Her organization for the rights of the child — AMADE Mondiale, has been granted consultative status within UNICEF and UNESCO.
