Lee Van Cleef & Alan Van Cleef

Lee Van Cleef was known for his notorious and villain roles during his prime in Hollywood. He always portrayed the bad guy in movies such as The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, For a Few Dollars More, and Death Rides a Horse. However, opposite his image in famous Hollywood flicks, Van Cleef was a good father to his kids. He had three marriages overall, and the first of the three gave him three lovely kids, Alan, Deborah, and David.

Speaking of his son Alan, a lot of people would agree that he is a mirror of his father. The younger Van Cleef leaves the credit to his father for all the good things he has learned since he was a child. In fact, in an interview, Alan revealed that Lee Van Cleef is not the disciplinarian in the house but their mom, proving that the actor still has a soft spot.
