Jay Leno | $450 MILLION

Talk about laughs and talk shows, another name in the field is our late-night show host, Jay Leno. Who can forget the sound of his laugh? Bet no one can! He is a legend in the industry and is best known for his eponymous talk show, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. The show was so loved that many were saddened when it stopped. However, with Jay’s current net worth of $450 million, it’d be a long time for him to fall in financial danger or bankruptcy.

You should see his impressive and prized car collection, which became more of an investment for him. They’re all awesome and excellent, just like he was at his prime.  Jay Leno is well-known for his prominent mandibular protuberance, who calls himself prognathism. He claimed to know that his jaw could be repaired through surgery, but he couldn’t bear to close his jaw tightly during the long treatment period and gave up.
