Julia Louis-Dreyfus is an American actress who played Elaine Benes’s role in the hit TV-series Seinfeld, where she stayed for nine seasons. Julia Scarlett Elizabeth Louis-Dreyfus was born in New York in the 1960s. She’s the daughter of the former Chairman of the Louis-Dreyfus Group, Gerard Louis-Dreyfus.

Before making it big in Hollywood, Julia was enrolled in Northwestern University but dropped out for a career in acting. Later on, Julia got discovered and got recruited to be a part of Saturday Night Live, where she met Larry David, the co-creator of Seinfeld. Because of the sitcom, she attained household status. Her role was not supposed to be on the show, but the executives thought it was too male-dominated, so they cast her. Today, the Emmy award-winning actress enjoys a handsome credit score and a net worth of around $250 million.
