The English actor, Ben Kingsley, is an icon who made a name for himself playing Gandhi. But he did not become an actor on film at the start. He was a theater actor by heart and has appeared in several productions with the grow Royal National Theater under Peter Brook. Kingsley did dabble in making films, with his first-ever project being Fear is the Key in 1972. However, it was his portrayal of Gandhi that put him in the limelight.

Aside from that successful role, Kingsley also appeared in several films like, Without a Clue, Sexy Beast, and The Wackness. Another of his iconic roles was in the World War II film Schindler’s List. His role was Schindler’s accountant plus his moral compass as well. He has quite an eclectic collection of acting projects that it is hard to pin him down in one genre. He is quite private when it comes to his investments, but it doesn’t matter as his fans are looking forward to more of his films. 
