Line Renaud – 92

Line Renaud is a famous French singer, actress, and activist. She started her music career in the ’40s, when she was just a teenager. Her voice was just too brilliant to escape the attention of many. Before long, she became famous, and she received big projects such as Moulin Rouge, which helped launch her career further. She was then invited to different shows in Los Angeles and New York, so we could say she had a steady stream of income at a young age.

When the ’80s came, her earnings increased when she landed a lead role in a show called Telle est Line. She still acts at over 90 years of age. She worked on Huguette back in 2019. We hope she set aside some retirement investment should she decide to stop working someday.Line married Loulou Gasté in 1950 and has stayed with Gasté until he was gone in 1995.
