Kris Jenner – Embracing Christianity

While Kris Jenner’s religious journey might not span her entire life, she turned to Christianity as a source of solace when her daughter Kim Kardashian’s adult tape became public. This event deeply affected her, leading to several days of tears, but it also served as a catalyst for her exploration of faith. Subsequently, she found comfort in her Christian beliefs and began attending church regularly on Sundays. This transformation also influenced her lifestyle choices, as she notably reduced her alcohol consumption.

Kris Jenner’s connection to Christianity became even more pronounced during the period when her former spouse, Caitlyn Jenner, underwent gender reassignment surgery. The complexities of this transition prompted Kris to rely on prayer and her faith in God to navigate the changes. She shared that these spiritual practices, along with her pursuit of understanding, played a crucial role in helping her cope during this challenging time.
